Skipping a question if multiple choices are not selected | XM Community
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Hi, I have a question that offers participants the choice to choose multiple options which then directs them to the next question. What I want is that if they choose just one option then they skip that particular question to the another question. I can't seem to understand what is the best way to go about with it?
For example if Q.1 asks multiple choice then it goes to Q.2 from which they choose one option and then it goes to Q.3. But if in Q.1 they choose just one option I want them to go directly to Q.3.

Abeer To do what you want to do you need to use "Display Logic." You can find information about setting that up here.
In your description, I'm not sure if you mean that you want a question skipped if they choose one particular answer or if they only select one answer when they have the ability to select multiple. Display logic works in both cases. If you want it skipped if they choose a particular question, then you'd set it so that the question would only be displayed if that choice was "not selected." If you want it skipped if only one choice was picked you would set it to display the question if the "selected count" is greater than 1.

Thanks the greather than 1 option worked like a charm 🙂

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