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Hello, we're looking to evaluate Qualtrics to see if it includes some of functionalities we wanted to implement. Here are some of those:

  1. Conditional branching - not sure how to construct this but I'm looking for a feature when creating a questionnaire, say I have a field that says "Vendor", if I select an answer from a dropdown list (ex. Vendor-1), can it show a set of questions that's ONLY particular to that vendor? It's like injecting a logic that if Vendor-1 is selected, questions 1a, 1b, 1c... will be displayed next. The same logic is true if selected Vendor-2 that will show questions 2a, 2b, 2c.

  2. Features that will provide "clean data":

    • De-duplication

    • Required questions are not skipped

    • Flag responses that's giving Straightlining / Patterned Responses (say respondents who select the same response for at least five rows in a grid)

Thank you in advance, this will greatly help us in evaluating the product.

  1. See Display Logic and Displaying Blocks.

  2. For required questions, you can use Force Response. For deduplication and flagging suspect responses, you can use the ExpertReview feature. Note that ExpertReview is not an automated process; it will flag responses that it thinks are duplicates or suspicious in the data set, and the user has to review them manually and decide whether to keep or discard each response.

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