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I am working on my survey which includes 2 recipes, and each recipe has 7 different experimental conditions. Participants are randomly placed in one of the 7 conditions for the first recipe. For the 2dn recipe, they should be placed in the same condition as for the first recipe. How do I do that?

so: participant is placed randomly in condition 2 for recipe 1 and should be placed in condition 2 for recipe 2
Any help would be appreciated!

There are lots of options depending on what happens between presentation of Recipe 1 and Recipe 2, and how they are presented. Can you provide that information?

Hi, thanks for your response!
basically, participants are randomly assigned to a specific condition for Recipe 1, including some information about the recipe whereby stimuli are included (q1), followed by a question about their preference for a product (q2). In total there are 7 experimental condition, and each condition has its own block (with 2 questions per block as mentioned above) , which I all put in the randomizer. Directly after this comes Recipe 2, again including a piece of information about the context and a follow up question about product preference (set up is identical to Recipe 1). This should, thus, not be randomized, but participants should be placed in the same condition as for Recipe 1 (which is random) Hopefully this clarifies!

It sounds like what you want to do can be done with a randomizer (which you already have) and embedded data. Embedded data, allows you to attach a data point to a participant and then recall that data point to use later. Only participants that are exposed to the data point will have it attached to them. Thus, by creating a unique embedded data point for each condition in recipe 1, we can recall that unique data point to show participants the correct recipe 2.
Step 1. Create all recipe 1 blocks.
Step 2. In survey flow, add a randomizer.
Step 3. Use the 'group' element create a group for each condition under the randomizer (see image below).
recipe 0.pngStep 4. Use the embedded data element to create an embedded condition variable under each group.

Step 5. Add the relative block of questions for that condition under its respective group. (see image below for steps 4 and 5).
recipe 4.pngStep 6. Now create a branch logic and set the parameters to be 'If Condition is equal to X, then...." where X is the condition number (1, 2, 3, 4...) and for the 'then' place the recipe 2 version of the block. If I understand correctly, you should have 7 embedded data points and 7 branching logics (1 for each condition). Very important, you have to make sure that how you type your embedded data variables both the label (e.g., 'Condition') and values (e.g., 1) are the exact same in the branching logic. This is case sensitive. See image below. *I made an error in my block label one block should say "Condition 1pt2" to symbolize the second recipe.
recipe 2.png

Hope this helps!

yes, this works! Thank you so much!!

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/44352#Comment_44352Very welcome!

Hi, I am stuck on a second thing now, any help would be very much appreciated again:).
At the end of the survey, I include a manipulation check. The flow of the survey is as follows:
question about recipe 1 (randomized into a certain condition) -> question about recipe 2 (based on the condition participants are put in for the previous question) -> 1 block with follow up questions (same questions for every participant, thus not dependent on the experimental condition) -> 1 block with demographical questions -> manipulation check.
for the manipulation check, participants again should only see a certain block with questions if this is tied to the condition they are randomly assigned to. Thus, participants assigned to condition 1 (recipe 1) should see block a, participants assigned to condition 2 should see block b. Please note that participants who see block a, are randomly assigned to condition 1 of recipe 1 and therefore branched to condition 1 of recipe 2 earlier in this survey.
How do I do this?
(i hope this overview is clear, I could add some screenshots of my survey flow if that would help )

Hi Iris123,
If I am understanding you correctly, you should just be able to call the embedded data point again and use it to branch participants to the correct manipulation check. This would be repeating step 6 of the images above but this time branching to the correct manipulation check.

If I misunderstood the problem, please explain more with some screen shots and I will happily help where I can!

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