Standard Matrix Statements Custom Validation - Require all but one | XM Community
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I have a standard matrix table question (5 scale points).
The statements are all carry forward (based on previous selections), minus the inclusion of a 'None of the above' exclusive statement.
I want to require a respondent to answer for each of the carry forward statements but not require them to select the 'None of the above' exclusive option.
When I turn on 'Force Response' the platform forces a selection to be made for 'None of the Above.'
I'm having trouble using custom validation that requires each statement to be answered with at least 1 scale point but doesn't require the 'None of the above' statement to have an answer.
Any suggestions or help is much appreciated! Thank you!

If you're using force response then one must select at least one value even though you have hidden N/A using Javascript/ HTML

Yes, the force response is essentially forcing a respondent to select 'None of the above' (statement) for at least one of the scale points.
But I don't want to force a respondent to select none of the above.
On the flip, if they do select 'None of the above' for all of the scale points, I don't want them to be forced to answer for the other statements (as 'None of the above' would be exclusive).

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