Stuck "We are generating the prepared dataset for you and this will take some time" | XM Community

Stuck "We are generating the prepared dataset for you and this will take some time"

  • 16 May 2024
  • 1 reply


Dear all, 


I am running a few surveys and in some of them all of sudden the following message appears in the Data & Analysis tab “We are generating the prepared dataset for you and this will take some time”. 


I have not created any test/prepared dataset and this is stuck at 0%. In the meantime I cannot export my results neither through the web nor through the API. 


Do you know how I can stop this process from running?

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +21

Hello @enriquehernandez,

This message usually shows up when Qualtrics is getting your data ready for the first time, which can take a moment. If it takes longer than expected, you dont have to wait you can leave this page and use continue with other work. If the problem continues, I suggest contacting Qualtrics Support for help. 

Let me know if this helps.

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