Survey expiring for some participants | XM Community
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Hi all,
I made a new survey that is currently collecting responses. Some participants reported the survey link being expired after they leave the survey and try to return. However, in the survey setting options, both the "allow respondents to finish later" option is set as on, and the survey availability is set as open.
image.pngimage.pngI have just been distributing the survey a second time to the participants who can't get in after leaving, but it is rather tedious.
Is there another reason why some participants might not be able to return to the survey after leaving?
Thank you so much for your help!

In that case, I would recommend contacting Qualtrics Support at . Click on contact support at the top of the page.

I'm assuming that the respondents returned to the survey within one week of when it was sent, or when they last accessed it? If not, check to see if Qualtrics recorded their incomplete responses.
Did you distribute the links by email through Qualtrics? If so, the Link Expiration in the Advanced Options.

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