Survey flow issues! | XM Community
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In my survey there is one question that allows participants to select multiple options. From those multiple options they have further sub-categories that they choose. There are three specific sub-categories ( A, B and C) that have extra questions specifically for those who select those subcategories. Now the problem is if the participant selects only sub-category A only then the particular questions for that category do show up. However, if sub-category A, B and C or selected and within them sub-category A is selected then the questions related to A do not show up, instead questions related to B and C show up only. In case B and C are selected even then questions related to A do not show up. I am really confused what I should do to fix this issue. Would really appreciate any help. Thanks. 

you have to control with display logic only, you can either apply on question or in survey flow.

Can you share screen shots of how you've set up the Display Logic in the questions and/or Survey Flow? That might help Community members better diagnose the issue. Matthew,
I am uplodaing a pdf file. I think that would be easier. My work might be sloppy as this is the first time I am using qualtrics.
Edit Survey _ Qualtrics Experience Management.pdf

Abeer I'm not entirely clear on what you're trying to do versus what you're getting, but I have two possible solutions based on your survey flow.
1) You're combining "AND" and "OR" statements in your survey flow but I don't think you're doing what you think you're doing. If you are looking at logic within multiple groups, you need to group them into logic sets. For instance, IF group A is x AND y, OR group B is a AND b THEN...
(See Screenshot)
2) Rather than survey flow, you might have an easier time using display logic within the question itself. Each has it's own pro/con for use that you get a feel for once you build more surveys. indeed display logic would have had been easier but because the section is in blocks its not possible. I also understand its a bit difficult to explain it. I did also try and/or. I feel there is something I am missing and I just can't seem to understand it. But thankyou!

Abeer You can use display logic within the survey regardless of your use of blocks. Also, just so we're on the same page, there are and/or statements but then there is the option to add "logic sets" as part of your and/or statements. Essentially that allows you to look at multiple sets of different logic and then and/or those sets. If you combine and with or without using logic sets weird things can happen. ok I havent used logic sets. I will check them out. Perhaps that will fix the issue

jmborzick The logic sets work. Also I had to move the blocks around to get the right flow. Thanks!

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