Survey function Idea: Allow downloads of uploaded files from reports by non-contributors | XM Community
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  • Current Problem: If a person is not a contributor on the survey, they are unable to download files uploaded into the survey. So when I make a report and share it with non-contributors, they can see the links to files but when they try to click on the file link, they are unable to download. Thus, we must provide these files separately, which is less-than-ideal for many reasons. We cannot make these folks collaborators on the survey because they should not have access to the entire dataset collected in the survey.

  • Current Solution (if applicable): Currently there isn't really a solution. I can create a live report with a filter appropriate for certain audiences. This report can automate the process of showing the most up-to-date results of all survey questions related to them (due to the filter) except that I must separately download all the items submitted via the file upload question and send those to the people separately. This takes extra effort and time and limits our ability to use the report as a dashboard that allows the report audience to get the data in the time they need and want it as they must contact me to receive the linked files.

  • Possible Solution: When creating reports, make it so that whomever receives the report can download any of the linked uploaded files that relate to the filter that is applied on the report. Alternatively, it would be good if reports could have a way to share a certain subset of data, including uploaded files, that is separate from the whole-survey collaboration settings.

  • Purpose / Use Case: Instructors from many departments across campus can submit their assessments for their classes to the form. Included among the questions is the ability to upload examples of the rubrics or assessments. For each department, we create a report that aggregates all the survey responses that relate to that department. The instructors within that department can all use the report to see what information has been submitted about assessment from instructors in their department, including the uploaded files. This way, the instructors within the department can discuss their curriculum and track progress over time. Although these folks can see the information within the report, including the linked uploaded files, they cannot access information from any other department, nor do they need a Qualtrics account set up to see the information.

It looks like it may be possible to release the file with the following. It definitely works with TXT uploads. I had some difficulty with some other file types in my testing, but I think that was happening when submitting files using the Preview mode. Additional testing suggests that PDFs and DOCX files worked too.
Survey Options --> Security --> Select "anyone with the link to the file" from the Uploaded File Access section

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