Survey Invite Lay-out | XM Community
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Hi everyone,
Hope someone can help me with the survey invite lay-out.
The mailer function in Qualtrics isn't very comprehensive, but I want my invite to look professional. Think the survey invite is an important part of your survey success, you don't want your email to look as spam.
I am searching for simple lay-out with a company logo, a banner, text, embedded question, text, a banner.
The helpdesk says I need to code in HTML? Never done that, who can help me with some advice?
Thank you in advance,

Hi there, I created an email template for our survey invitations using a template I found on which I'm pretty satisfied with.
Once its all set, just change out the links to include Qualtrics' SurveyLink and OptOutLink. After the code is together, I usually paste it into the Qualtrics Email tool using the source code view "<>"

Thank you Tom, great suggestion!

Another easy way to do this is to insert a table 600px wide into the email. You can then organize it with various rows - 1 row for your banner, one or more row for other content including the survey link or inline question, and finally the footnote, including the unsubscribe link.
Another important thing to note - the survey invite should probably align to your marketing email content - e.g. font size/color, etc. I basically reproduced our marketing template using the above approach.

Thank you InessaG I am trying it right now 🙂. Do you maybe also know how to fill a cell with a color? And how to change the colors of the lines of the table (would like them white, not visible for the customers).
The goal is indeed to copy our marketing email format into the Qualtrics mailer, so that it looks consistent.

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