Survey preview link not getting display in base language English (EN) | XM Community
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Survey preview link where base language is English (EN) and translations done in Germany and Italy. However, whenever client opens this preview link, the survey displays in the German language. It happens only for client. Others are able to see in English.
We tried clearing the cookis/cache. Opening URL in privaye window. Its not working.
Also tried hardcoding Q_Language=EN in url. Still doesnt work.
Has anybody come across this issue and any reasons for this?

There have been cases where the link picks the browser language. Kindly check if the default language of the browser in which the link is opened is set to german.
Hope this helps!

I'm having the same issue. Have you found a root cause to this issue?
The funny part is that it worked a month ago, and now all of a sudden: All seven languages only show in English. And adding the Q_Language=FR (for example) still doesnt work...

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