Surveys for students on multiple courses | XM Community
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Hello folks,
First time poster, please be kind 🙂
I'm designing surveys for university students. At any time, each student will be taking at least one course, but could be taking several others alongside it. I want to run a survey where some core questions are asked once for each student about their general experiences so far, but with a section about the courses that repeats for each course they are taking.
A loop and merge block for the course-related questions would seem to be the obvious solution, but I want to avoid asking students which modules they're on, because we do already have that information in our student information system. I'll regularly be surveying 50k+ students at a time, and each student can have a unique combination of courses - we have a flexible offering where people can put together their own degree, so I don't think specifying a list of fields is an option,
What's the best approach for me to use to achieve this?
Grateful for any help the collective Qualtrics brain can offer!

Hi there
I'm not sure I fully understand the complexity or the question. I guess I'd have to know more in terms of where the survey is triggered from and how you can impact the link used. Because the more obvious answer would be to use a module ID number (unique identifier) as embedded data in the link they take. The students wont see it but you'll know which module they were answering from once the data comes in.
I have a hunch your question is more complex than that though, so let's start there and see what you say 🙂

Best regards

Hello Mattias,
Thanks for making a start on this one, much appreciated!
I'll be using individual Qualtrics emails to students to invite them to take the survey - each student should get one email, and take the survey once. I can use embedded data from the mailing list to hold the module code which would work fine if they were only studying one module, but where I'm getting stuck is how to do this where people are studying more than one module... if I concatenate the modules into a list and use that as embedded data, how do I then break that out in a way that tells Qualtrics to loop through the module questions once for each module in the list?
You're right, it is a bit of a complex one!

Add your modules as ED (mod1, mod2, mod3...)
Use a loop and merge with these, going upto the max number of modules you think an individual can take.
On all your loop and merge question have a display logic to show only when the L&m field is not empty.

Alternatively, paste all your modules in a question, use QEED prepopulate to answer that question and Loop based of this question.

Hi Ahmed,
That sounds really promising, thank you. On your first option, I understand what you mean about adding each module as embedded data, no problem there, but how do I then get the embedded data into the loop and merge?
Thanks again!

Hi all,
I was still having problems with this so I put a ticket through to Qualtrics support - Josh and Lisette looked into this for me, and came up with the solution 🙂 They've said it's ok to share their solution video, so here it is for anyone who faces a similar scenario.

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