Testing Retake Link on Preview Survey | XM Community
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Hi, I am in the process of testing the addition of a new block to my survey, which will contain a 'review' section that should be completed during a retake. However, when I submit a preview survey then try to retake it, I am taken to what I currently have in the published survey rather than the draft survey. See attachment.
2021-11-08_13-50-37.pdfHow can I test the retake link with the draft survey?

I haven't tried to use a retake link from a submitted preview survey before, but I wouldn't be surprised if Qualtrics wasn't set up to enable something outside the box like you're trying to do. (Not victim-blaming here, so please don't get the wrong impression!)
I would test this by using the live, published link. If your survey is already collecting responses and you don't want to make an untested version go live, make a copy of the survey and publish that one, then test it.

Great thanks! I will definitely try that.

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