The use of data after participant's withdrawing | XM Community
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Hi - I am a Researcher at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick. And a Qualtrics newbie.
We are conducting a survey with staff within care homes. We are just to submit our final plan to our research ethics committee.
And we have a question about whether the information submitted by a participant online is still collected by Qualtrics even if 1) they have decided to withdraw during the survey (by for example just closing the website page down) AND/OR after submitting their final responses to the questions and then deciding to withdraw.
Any steer and help much appreciated!
Dr Aaron Gain

There is an option in the end of survey element to not collect responses, according to their docs, this data is not stored, so perhaps you may want to look at that.
Since, this is a sensitive matter, I would recommend getting a clarification from the support team instead of the community.

thank you Ahmed much appreciated. All noted.

ALG I agree with ahmedA that this is a better question for your support team, and I would also have your counsel or legal team weigh in if they can offer an opinion.
You can also toggle within the Survey Options tab whether you want to collect partial responses for analysis (e.g., for respondents who abandon the survey by closing the window) or not. You can manually delete responses from the database if individuals choose to withdraw from the survey after submitting their response, but depending on the scope of your respondent base, that may or may not be an option.
Best wishes,

thank you Adam - really helpful advice, much appreciated.

ALG My pleasure-glad to be of help.

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