Timed block locking | XM Community
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I've designed a six-module course using Qualtrics whereby each module is a block and should take a week to complete.
Is there a way of 'locking' the next block so that it is only available to complete a week after the previous one has been completed?
I'd ideally like to have it automatically unlock, but I don't mind doing it manually if needed.
Is there a way to do this?

Hi there,
the easiest way would be to store the dates in the contact list and use an authenticator.
Once one block has been completed update the opening date for the next block according to your needs
When the survey is opened again check the dates set an embedded data field (showBlock1, showBlock2, etc) in case the block should be shown set showBlock2 = 1. Please mind that the dates are stored as strings in the contact list. hence you need to create a date from the string and compare it with the current date.
Here an example:

A respondent finishes block 1 on Feb 2 (02/01/2022, set the openingDateBlock2 to Feb 9( 02/09/2022)
if the current date < openingDateBlock2 then showBlock2 = 0
if the current date openingDateBlock2 then showBlock2 = 1
hope this helps
Best regards


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