I have a study where participants are required to watch a video and then answer questions. Participants are required to click play to watch the video. On the page where the video is present, I inserted a timing question.
When I look at the data, there are several columns of data related to the timing question: First.click (time of first click), last.click (time of last click), and page.submit (total time on the webpage). According to the instructions on Qualtrics, a click is only recorded when the participant clicks on the webpage, but it doesn’t count when the participant clicks on the next button.
Thus, if a participant does not click play and ONLY clicks the next button (to continue with the survey) they will register “0 clicks” but will have a page.submit time (indicating they spent time on the page). I am assuming that in these scenarios participants did not click on play to watch the video (as no clicks were registered).
Alternatively, some participants will only click on the webpage once. Their first.click and last.click will be the same and then there would be a time difference between last.click and page.submit. I am also assuming that participants who only register “1 click” with a very small time difference (only a few seconds) between last.click and page.submit also did not watch the video, but clicked on play just before continuing on with the survey.
On that same note, I have had participants who only clicked one time but registered a large time difference between last.click and page.submit indiciating that they did click the webpage once (assuming it was the play button) and actually spent enough time on the page watching the video.
Ultimately I am wondering if I am correct in my interpretations of this data.