Translating Conjoint Pricing Features | XM Community

Translating Conjoint Pricing Features

  • 26 February 2024
  • 0 replies


Hello Qualtrics Community,


We are creating a conjoint survey that is to be fielded in multiple countries. The pricing feature of conjoint survey in Qualtrics does not allow for conversion of the pricing levels (amount) into different currencies and amounts.

In order to analyze the conjoint pricing in its entirely, we need to field the same conjoint to all countries instead of creating them as separate surveys.

How can we use the pricing feature in conjoint surveys to field in different languages ensuring that the pricing levels (amount) can be changed for each country.


An alternate is to use an ordinary conjoint feature and enter the price (amount) for different countries and let the translation show the amounts for the respective countries.

When using an ordinary conjoint feature to arrive at pricing, the benefits of the conjoint is lost. Is there a work around?


How can we use an ordinary (non-pricing) conjoint feature to arrive at conjoint analysis for pricing?


Thank you.


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