Trying to make my first Qualtrics survey | XM Community
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I am fairly new to designing a qualtrics survey. I am a graphic designer and my coding skills are at an amateur level. I belong to a car club and I was recently voted on as director. Ever year we hold a car show that the winners are voted by peoples choice. Typically we have a ballot and do everything by hand, but I would like to switch this over to some sort of online survey so people can vote from their phones. We typically have around 50 cars and the people vote for their 10 favorite. Each car gets numbered to make counting the ballots easy. What is the best way to make a Qualtrics survey that has 10 slots that people can submit a numerical value but no answers can be the same?
Thank you in advance!

cadclubnj You could use a "Pick, Group, and Rank" question with only one group and a requirement that the respondent chooses 10 to rank out of the 50.
Since there are so many cars though, it might be easier to first use a multiple-choice (allow multiple answers) question where you require the user to first pick their top ten cars.
Then on the next question, you can choose a "Rank Order Question" where you use "Carry forward choices" to populate the question with the ten selected cars.

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