Unable to find the 'skip logic' option on my version of Qualtrics | XM Community
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Hello, I have a HP and am using Edge to access Qualtrics. I've completed a draft of my survey, but need to add a 'skip logic' option to the Consent. I haven't been able to find 'skip logic' anywhere. I've only been able to locate 'display logic'. Are these two the same thing? If not, can someone please help me locate 'skip logic'?
P.S. - I do not have a 'gear' button.
Thank you so much for your help!

You can do very similar things with display logic compared to skip. Essentially, you have to flip your thinking. In skip logic you would say "I want them to skip this question if answer question X as X.1". Whereas in display logic you would say the opposite. "I only want to show this to people if they answer question X as X.2, X.3, or, X.4). In my example I have assumed a standard multiple choice question with four options.
That being said, if you have the free qulatrics account your access is limited to some features, including skip logic, embedded data, etc.

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