Unclear error message in a simple custom question - Custom Validation on %1 was not applied for Test | XM Community
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I defined one yes-no question
and another 2 free text questions (Q3, Q4) , I set a logic for Q3 & 4 , in case a user picks "yes" on Q2 he sees Q3, in case he clicks "No" he sees Q4.
Scenario 1 - "Yes" works great, Scenario 2 "no" generates the unclear message: " Custom Validation on %1 was not applied for Test" why is that? they are both configured the same ..

I've never seen that happen before. Can you share screen shots of how the error message displays on screen, and how the validation is set up in that question. That might help Community members better diagnose the issue.

image.pngHey MatthewM thanks - attached here the screen shot

Thanks. Can you also share a screen shot of how the validation is setup in the Yes/No question, in the Qualtrics editor? I've never seen that error message before.

Thanks, MatthewM - for some reason, now when I configured it again, it worked seamlessly

That's good to hear! I wonder if there was an error in the platform that Qualtrics has since resolved.

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