Use display logic to show questions in second survey, based on answers from first survey | XM Community
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I have two surveys, an Intake Survey and an Evaluation Survey. In the intake survey, we ask respondents to select which services they are requesting (in a multiple choice question that allows respondents to select multiple answers). 1 month after completing the intake survey, respondents will be sent an evaluation survey. Based on their responses to the intake survey (response selected for services requested), I want to use display logic in the evaluation survey so that the eval survey only shows the questions that relate to the service selected in the intake survey. For example, if someone selects Service A in the intake survey, the evaluation survey should only show questions about Service A (hide/skip questions about Service B or C if it wasn't selected in the intake survey).
Thanks for any help!

Do you have XM Directory? If so, you'll want to add the responses from the key questions in your Intake Survey to each respondent's XMD record, then pipe those responses into the Evaluation Survey. See

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