Using JavaScript or Authenticator to Validate Zip Codes | XM Community
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I have been searching around for an easy solution for validating zip code inputs in a survey based on a list of approved zip codes. I've seen 2 possible answers:

  1. Using the authenticator (upload zip codes as a contact list)

  2. Using a JavaScript function to check input against an array of approved zip codes.

Does anyone know if either option is better out of the two above, or if there are additional ways to do this? I am new to Qualtrics and not very familiar with JavaScript so either option presents a learning curve. We need to validate against a list of about 500 zip codes or ~130 zip code ranges.
Thank you!

IMO, the best way is to store the zip codes in a web-based database and use a web service. I've done this many times.
Of your two options, I think JavaScript with an array of zip codes would be better.

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