Video embedded through URL | XM Community
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I have utilized HTML to embed a 57-minute video into my Qualtrics survey. However, I would like my respondents to view only 85 seconds of the video. Since the video link is from YouTube and I don't have the option to download or edit it directly, I am wondering if there is a way to restrict the playback duration to just 85 seconds through the URL.

Hi @amber.naina ,

There are multiple workarounds for this:

1). Ther are various websites from where you can download a YouTube video using URL (not recommended).

2). You can do screen recording for the required part of the video and use that in your survey.

3). Autoplay the video and display next button after 85 seconds (Can mention this in the RI so that respondent doesn’t drop in between the survey.


Hope this helps.



There are a number of workarounds for this:

There are several websites from which you can download YouTube video using the URL (this is not recommended) becasue most of the online video downloader uses alot of ads that leads to malware in your system.

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