Volunteer for addtional interview via email | XM Community
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I want to ask people to volunteer for an additional follow up interview at the end of the survey.
Ideally it would be:
Would you volunteer for a follow up interview?

"No" = skip to end

"Yes" = please provide email address

Ideally I would be able to have the provided emails detached from the rest of the data to keep the data anonymous and make IRB happy.

Is there a way to do that ?

Maybe there is a way that after "yes" there is just a pop up that sends me an email with the participants typed email address ?

Any advise would be much appreciated.

There's a use case in the Qualtrics support pages that outlines how to do something like this. It uses raffles as the example, but your case would be similar. (See Survey One and Survey Two - Manual Raffle)

This is brilliant. Works like a charm. Thank you so much !!!

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