What does an unusual start and end date on the spreadsheet mean? | XM Community
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I collected pilot data with my Qualtrics survey and downloaded the results in the form of an excel spreadsheet. When I opened the file, I saw that some start and end dates were unusual in the sense that they were not actual dates and time but decimal numbers (e.g., one row has 2.799 as start date and 52.809 as end date). You can see this in the attached screenshot where I highlighted said odd numbers.
What does this mean?
Thank in advance for your response.

I am not sure, but it isn't just your start and end dates, that (approximate) value appears to repeat in each column thereafter. What comes up in the 'status' column for these participants? It could be spam or bots. To understand your status column follow these instructions, I believe the section on status is in the beginning of the webpage - https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/data-and-analysis-module/data/download-data/understanding-your-dataset/

Hello wpm24 ! Thank you for your prompt response. To answer your question, the status column for these participants contains decimal numbers as well.

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/44640#Comment_44640I would assess these as bot responses and delete them then. It doesn't really make sense that this could be a real participant as those variables are all embedded from qualtrics. So it could either be an error on qualtrics end (which questions the data from the participant) or is a bot, which you don't want obviously.

wpm24 okay, great thank you. I will delete them all.

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