What is the best way to distribute results? | XM Community
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I work for Utah Valley University in Concurrent enrollment. I have sent a survey out to 8000 high school students that have just completed a class this semester to evaluate their instructor and course.
I am currently getting results back based on one question that uses a drill-down
I know there are ways to trigger an email after a survey is taken, but what I really want to do is send an email to each instructor aggregating their results after the survey closes in 2 months.
I plan to download the CSV and feed it into tableau so that I can aggregate it by instructor. But there are 200 instructors, and I only want to share the information with them for their class.
Is there a better way to do this than cut and paste?
Maybe there is a better way to set up the survey, to begin with. That would help, too, since my end-of-year survey will go to 15,000 students and 500 instructors.

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