What's best practice for using autoadvance? | XM Community
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Hi all, we're aiming to launch a short survey soon and want to trial using the autoadvance feature. I think it works well when there's one question per page, but frankly find it really annoying if you have more than one question on a page and need to scroll. What are your experiences and do you have any top tips?
Thanks in advance 😊

Hi Val,
auto-advance is difficult. First of all, it works only for a very limited number of question types.
You can't really auto-forward on multiple answer questions, matrix questions, and text entry questions.
Secondly, the respondents can't have second thoughts about their answers unless you have a back button and back buttons don't work from one block back to another
Hence the respondents' experience is very different and I would advise against it.

if you still want to have it you could add this to the last question if it's a single select one :-)
// auto next

   this.questionclick = function(event,element){
    if (element.type == 'radio') {

Hope this helps,
Best regards


I would take the opposite position to Rudi.
In our company, we have had very good experiences with auto-advance and positive feedback has also come from our customers.

But Rudi is right, of course:
For complex questions where respondents should think longer, auto-advance also has its disadvantages.

I generally try to avoid multiple questions on one page, because respondents have to scroll, which is always annoying.
And I also use auto-advance for matrix questions (via in JS script).

No matter what you choose, neither option is really wrong or annoying.

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