When exporting to word random questions appear in the file.... | XM Community
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This morning I exported my survey to word to send to a professor. The export word file had questions about business products and the introduction was not the introduction I had wrote but the general, standard intro provided by Qualtrics. I am not sending out my final survey in word but I am wondering if there is something lingering in my survey that caused these questions and intro to pop up during the export process. To clarify, i cannot see them until the file is exported and then these questions replace some of the ones I have written.

Any ideas?

kksweene It may be that you had your introduction in the Survey Flow or as a header to your survey which won't show up in the Word file and there may be a setting that is generating that automated text. If you include the text as a survey question (with raw text), that should render in the exported version and will be part of the survey experience...

Are they old questions in your trash? You can scroll to the bottom of the survey and empty the trash. See if that is what you are seeing.

It is weird. It has been happening to me as well and I don't know how to solve it. I apparently have questions on a preferred food for lunch but I don't recall ever writing such questions.

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