Why can’t I login? | XM Community
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today I was trying to login in my Qualtrics account and the following message appeared - “Organization is disabled”.
I already asked for support, but I’m really nervous and anxious in loosing all of the data I collected to my masters thesis.
any suggestions?

Don't worry, support will be able to help you here! Also, Qualtrics doesn't delete your data even after your license expires for ~30 days so I assure you nothing will happen to your data.
There can be multiple reasons why you see this as you are able to login to community:

  1. Brand Admin changed login settings

  2. License expiry

  3. Account disabled

You can reach out to your brand administrator as well or the ticket you raised should do the job, also check if others from your brand are able to login or are they facing same error. Based on it you will be able to confirm why you saw that error.
This page might be helpful.
Hope it helps!

Deepak one more question…
the support team said that the license from my organization has in fact expired today. And they said that I should contact my Brand Administrator. But how do I know who she/he is, since I can’t login?

If you know your Account Executive he/she would be able to help you reach them. As they would know who had received the onboarding email when the license was given. If you want to know who is your AE it is mentioned on the contact support page as well from where you contacted support.
Hope it helps!

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