With a post survey email, how can I add the customised 'end of survey message' for different scores | XM Community
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I have created a survey and added an end of survey message that reflects different messages for different ranges within each scoring category. I have set it up so that within one question 'block' I have four different scores and 5 ranges within each score. (as per https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/common-use-cases-rc/displaying-messages-based-on-scoring/#Multiple) ... eg a score description on Maths (fair, good, excellent) and the same for English, etc
My question is, how do I add these different scoring category messages into an email which I have set up as a task to be sent when people finally submit their survey responses.
I can't seem to find it in the list of fields available to pipe.
I did notice these 'customised descriptions' appear at the end of the list of survey questions in the 'Response Report' ... but I don't want to show all the preceding responses, only the messages related the person's scoring category.
Any tips or suggestions?

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