Working around carry forward only having one option | XM Community
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Hi everyone.
My colleague and I are surveying people on difficulty doing things in their neighbourhood. The initial question looks like this:
image.pngIn the following question, we want anybody who selected 1-3 (very difficult to slightly difficult) to see only those options that they selected 1-3 for in a follow up question on reasons why:
image.pngThe problem we have is:

  1. we can make three different carry forwards for level of difficulty, but then if nobody selected one of them, say "very difficult," the table still appears and it appears with no rows.

  2. if people select one of each level of difficulty, they see three tables each with one row (we'd like to collapse them).

We thought about switching to display logic and asking a more generic question about barriers, but that means:
  1. rows they didn't select a difficult level (1-3) for we are asking them what the barriers are, which we are not interested in.

The Qtip on the page about carry forwards doesn't help with this last issue. I am grateful for any suggestions anyone might have. Thank you!

To solve problem #1, use Display Logic to show or hide the whole question. For example, Display Q2 if any part of Q1= Very Difficult, Difficult, or Slightly Difficult.
In problem #2, are you saying that you have 3 identical matrix questions? I'm not sure I understand why that can't just be a single matrix question. Is it for reporting/analysis purposes?

Hi Matthew,
Thanks for writing, and yes CarryForward is a great solution to our first issue. So, for problem #2: our CarryForward logic doesn't let us Carryforward multiple selected columns. Ideally, we'd have all selections of Difficult, Very Difficult, and Slightly Difficult be carried forward, but not the rest. But it doesn't allow us to do that, it only allows us to click one. There's no "and" or "or" option with CarryForward. As such, we have to have 3 separate CarryForward tables, one to CarryForward people who selected "Slightly Difficult" another for people who selected "Difficult" and another who selected "Very Difficult."
image.png Or are you saying Display logic lets us select specific items in the new table being displayed?

I think you could do this with one matrix instead of three by removing all of the Carry Forward statements and using Display Logic instead. Below are screen shots with a simplified example.
Set up Display Logic at the question level.
image.pngThen set up Display Logic at the matrix row level. Below is the example for the first line; repeat for each successive line in your matrix.

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