ZIP Code Validation | XM Community
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Hello, I am trying to find the best way to:

  1. Validate State + ZIP combination

  2. Map DMA in a hidden question based on ZIP

My setup is:
qState - In what state or U.S. territory do you live? (Dropdown with states and territories)
Page break - disqualify people not selecting a state or D.C.
qZip - What is your ZIP Code? (Text entry, US Postal code validation)

I have an Excel file with every US ZIP mapped to state and DMA that I want to use as the "source of truth" and am struggling to find the best way to execute without having to use a confusing Drill Down.
This will be in my master survey template and the State field will feed into regional quotas.
I'm also not familiar with Javascript, but comfortable following step-by-step instructions!

  1. Create a shared lists in directory and upload the excel converted to csv over there.

  2. Call it in your survey flow using Authenticator and reach to it where it was stored earlier.

  3. Auto fill the zip which user might type via an embedded with the file you stored.

Remember that the first column of your file needs to be the unique identifier labelled as ExternalDataReference and you should be good!

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