2 part survey that needs to be completed by different people | XM Community
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I'm putting together a two part survey that needs to be completed by two different people. To be more specific, Part 1 needs to be fill out by new employees and once completed it should be sent to HR for them to fill out Part 2, and then all responses should be kept together.

What would be the best way to accomplish this?

Thank you!
You have to do this using two concepts:

1) trigger email: once the employee fill the survey send a trigger email with the Recontact link to the HR.

2) Recontact link: with the Recontact link data is stored as a single record for both part.

3) create 2 blocks in survey one for employee and one for HR, and for employee append your link with say employee=1 like link?employee=1

For hr use link like retake link?hr=1. Put these 2 blocks in branch logics with employee=1 and hr=1
Hello @Fabisp ,

@bansalpeeyush29 solution is great, but you can also use authenticator before each block in order to be sure regarding right person.
Thank you for your quick answer! I think this is a great solution but I'm afraid I'm not totally sure on how to implement it. I have a couple of questions @bansalpeeyush29, how to generate a recontact link and how do I add it to the trigger email?

How can I append the links?

Thanks Shashi,

Good point, I'll explore this too.
> @Fabisp said:

> Thank you for your quick answer! I think this is a great solution but I'm afraid I'm not totally sure on how to implement it. I have a couple of questions @bansalpeeyush29, how to generate a recontact link and how do I add it to the trigger email?

> How can I append the links?

> Thanks!

Follow this page
To generate Recontact link go to data analysis tab and on right arrow of any record click and you will see retake response , copy this link and generalize it by appending it.

In this link just change response I'd with embedded responseid variable and appending it with ?hr=1.

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