A survey which has embedded surveys | XM Community
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Is there a way in which we can create a one survey and select some fields in the starting for ex - client name , stake holder name , and then with respect to the choices selected ,a survey with particular questions as per the initial selections made can be sent out ? I am not sure if its possible .
Hello @kriti ,

Assuming you have created number of surveys based on the condition i.e choices selected.

You can use api (web service) in the survey flow.

Once the condition is met in the branch logic trigger the web service

Use this distribution api
hey @kriti ,

You can use same survey having separate block for ex -client name, stake holder name. Using branch logic in survey flow you can give the respective block to respondent.

For e.g. In the initial question if client name is selected then display the "Client name block".

Support page for branch logic LINK

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