Ability to create a Text iQ Topic based on Phone Numbers | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

Does anyone know of a way to create a topic in Text iQ based on phone numbers? Currently we have to read through all of our comments on a daily basis to flag any with contact information and then forward it to our customer service team, so it'd be great if I could somehow automate this using Text iQ (just the flagging of the comments, not the actual forwarding off to the CS team).

Hoping someone out there has a nifty way to do this, I can't seem to think up something crafty on my end!


Hi @KristyP ,

You could meet this by using a branch logic in survey flow and then checking if the string contains a phone number by using Regex.

If so, you could raise a flag in embedded data and then filter results based on embedded data.


Hope this helps
Hi @KristyP ,

You could even use ticketing in case you directly want to assign the lead to the CS team.


Hope it helps you. 🙂
If you are using the vocalize for reporting you can use response ticket widget where you can add phone as primary label, doing so you can get all responses corresponding to phone number.
Hi @KristyP

If you just want to do TextiQ on the response for whom you have the phone number then we will have to capture the open end feedback in an embedded data.

- Create an embedded data "TextiQ_Feedback"

- After the open end and phone number question add a Branch logic to check if "Open end" is not empty and "Phone number" is not empty then assign the text of "open end" question to the embedded data "TextiQ_Feedback"

- Then in vocalize, under the setting page, add new field "TextiQ_Field" and map it with embedded data "TextiQ_Feedback". Make sure, to keep the field type as "Open text"

- Now, in TextiQ, you will see the field "TextiQ_Field" and you can perform TextiQ on it.


- Also, in the dashboard page, you can use response ticker widget to see the open end comment with the phone number


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