About Screen Size | XM Community

About Screen Size

  • 7 January 2023
  • 3 replies

Badge +1

Hey folks,
For our research, we're using a disfluent text (a text that is hard due to the font type and size). However, because the participants will take the survey on computers that have different sizes, if the computer is much larger, the disfluency effect we desired might disappear since the text appears larger on their screen (thus, it is easier to read). So, we are trying to keep the text size constant throughout all screen sizes (keeping the font size constant doesn't do the job). However, we couldn't figure out how. Instead, we thought if we could get the screen size information from the participants automatically, we could control for it during the analyses. It seems like Qualtrics doesn't automatically import the screen size information, it is not among the embedded data options already.
Is there a way that we can capture the screen size information automatically, without having to ask the participants since most of them wouldn't simply know the size? Any other solution is appreciated. Thanks!

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +27

Adding a metainfo question to your survey will capture screen resolution (width x height).

Badge +1

Thank you for your response. I am not sure whether having the screen resolution data solves our problem because the pixel sizes can vary depending on the physical characteristics of the device. For instance 11 inch and 15inch computers can have the same screen resolution but stimulus will appear smaller in the 11inch one. Is there a way of capturing the screen size info in inches or can we make sure that everyone will see the same size of the stimuli regardless of their screen size?
Thank you for your time!

Userlevel 2
Badge +9

We can achieve this using jQuery and converting it into inches.
screen.width and screen.height will help.

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