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Is is OK to send out the 'preview' survey link (instead of the "Annoymous Link")? This is the url that comes up when you click on the 'Survey preview' button - and which has =preview at the end (of the url). Can I take out the =preview and use this url?
I'm fairly confident that the site does an Authentication check to make sure you're logged in and with the correct account rights. So, I don't think it's possible.

But, if you go into the developer options in your browser (CTRL+Shift+i in Windows), you can click on the 'View Mobile' icon to see a mobile version of the survey! Qualtrics will detect the change, and give you the Mobile view!
It actually doesn't do authentication. However, having this mode on can cause problems for respondents, and MIGHT be against Terms of Service for yourQualtrics account, since previews don't count as a complete.

This link is meant for testing, NOT data collection.
> @AnthonyR said:

> It actually doesn't do authentication. However, having this mode on can cause problems for respondents, and MIGHT be against Terms of Service for yourQualtrics account, since previews don't count as a complete.


> This link is meant for testing, NOT data collection.

Not only do they not count as a complete, but there are options that are available through the preview link that are hidden in the anonymous link. for example - bookmarks, back button, start over, etc. You wouldn't want your respondents to use these when trying to collect data.

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