Actions Triggering Events for past respondents | XM Community
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Hello everyone,

I have a longitudinal survey project that needs to send the survey for the next wave 30 days after they complete the prior wave. So for my first wave survey, I had a trigger on that survey that would send the W2 survey 30 days after the respondent completed the W1 survey. I need to have the same action on my W2 survey so that the respondents are sent the W3 survey 30 days after they complete the W2 survey. My action was worked well for W1-->W2, but I have discovered that I did not have this set up on my W2 survey for sending out W3 30 days later.

However, some people have already taken my W2 survey. How do I make the action apply to people who have already finished W2, in addition to new respondents of the W2 survey? For instance, if I create the action today, and someone took the survey 20 days ago, I want it to send the next wave to that person in 10 days. How do I make it apply to current respondents as well as future respondents?

People are sent individual links based on information (email address) that they input into the survey (so someone taking W2 will put their email address in as part of the W2 survey, and the action pulls out that email address and uses it to send them W3 30 days later).

Thank you!
I would recommend putting the action trigger in place now to catch the survey completes moving forward as the first step.

For your past survey completes you could potentially write a script and use the JSON Event action to trigger these past surveys if you have the Qualtrics API as part of your license.

JSON event documentation.

Depending on your license and the number of survey response you have it may be more straight forward to just setup a quick mailing list for each day for your wave 3 survey and send/schedule them normally.

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