Acuity Scheduling and Qualtrics Directory Setup | XM Community

Acuity Scheduling and Qualtrics Directory Setup

  • 26 January 2021
  • 1 reply

I am trying to set up an integration with Zapier to Connect my Acuity Scheduling and Qualtrics Accounts. I want to use Qualtrics to send out. evaluation emails to my clients and I need a way to track how many appointments a client has had in the Qualtrics Email Directory. This would allow me to send emails to clients with a trigger when they have their first appointment, 10th appointment, etc.
In the Zapier Integration, I see that I can add many embedded data fields to my zap, but for some reason, I can't add how many appointments a client has had. I know that I can view a client's appointment history in Acuity Scheduling, so I know that data is tracked, I just need a way to export that data easily. I there anyone that's done something similar or worked with these integrations?
I've spent a little time looking at the Acuity API and don't see an easy way to export the number of appointments a client has had. Could this be why I am hitting this bottleneck?
I would love to developed some kind of workaround that allows me to track the number of appointments a client has had in XM Directory. If there's an easy way to set this counter up, I am willing to build it?


Best answer by LaurenK 24 February 2021, 18:01

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For anyone else interesting in a solution for this one, it looks like Joshua Lolling was able to reach out to our Support team, once he figured out to bring the current number of appointments into the Directory as embedded data from Acuity. Support then provided the solution to create a survey that uses an Authenticator to update the appointment counter!

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