Add picture to group / Change color in hotspot questions | XM Community
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Hello! My survey requires participants to click on a chess plate image, inserting red and yellow dots, as previously have been shown to them , to test their memory. I tried hot spot questions but it presents various colors instead of two. How can I make it appear only two colors and maybe change green to yellow without code? Also, I was thinking to add a picture in group at "Pick, Group, and rank" choice instead and since I have a free account I can't insert custom code. How can I format group background or add picture?
Every answer/ idea/ recommendation/ would be highly appreciated.

Hi there! Unfortunately, you will not be able to format the background or add a picture due to the limitations of a free trial account (you can not use custom code or HTML markup). We can only otherwise recommend that you reach out to our Sales team to see what account type makes the most sense for your project!

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