Adding validation rule based on another question's answer | XM Community
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Hi! I'm wondering if there is a way to create a validation rule according to the following survey items:

1. How many children do you have (here I have a content validation set up as a number entry - this part is ok)

2. How many of your children are aged 12 months or less? - I want to enter a validation rule here that this number must be equal or less than that entered in question #1 to avoid typing/misread errors.

Is there a way to do this?

Yes you can apply custom validation on your second question, and display error message sayiong "Number of children <=12 should be less than total number of children".
Hello @CSonn ,

We can apply custom validation on question- How many of your children are aged 12 months or less? as Entered Text is less than or equal to text entered at Q1 (We can pipe in the TextEntryValue in the last box of custom validation)

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