Anonymous Longitudinal Study | XM Community
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Hi All,

New to Qualtrics but so far have been having pretty good success following the support and community documents. One little thing that's got me stuck... can I create multiple surveys that are linked using an anonymous random ID rather than email? Here's my layout.

-Send an anonymous link for Survey 1 through an email distribution using a contact list

-When respondent enters the survey, they are assigned a RandomID

-What I want to do next is create a task that sends them the survey link for Survey 2 embedded inside of it

I've been following this document almost exactly, and it seems to imply I should be able to do what I want. The problem is the last step in that example under "Distributing the Second Survey, Connecting the Surveys". They suggest setting up a task, either email or distribute survey, based on when a user completes the survey. The problem I'm having is what email address to put in if there's no known association between the random number and the person's email! So for example, I populate the email "to" address using the email address panel from my original contact list but nothing happens...

Any insight on what I'm doing wrong? Or is this actually not possible?
hi @LeAnn

so, you won't be able to distribute a survey without knowing where to distribute it to. if you dont want to know the email address of the respondent then there is no way around this.

a work around option for you though. you can create a custom end of survey message and embed another anonymous survey link into this message. the end of survey message can be create using HTML and uploaded to your library and would replace the generic one at the end of the survey.

there is a good discussion about using this exact function (but for a different purpose) below:

you could also use the above to force the customer straight to another survey as well if you didnt want to give them the option

your other option is to allow the email address to be recorded and then use actions to trigger additional surveys


I'm trying to do the same thing as @LeAnn and wondering if it's possible to administer the surveys using emails, but then strip the emails from the saved data - to provide at least some measure of anonymity.

Also, when using a distribute survey task, can it me manually triggered (rather than based on time since the previous survey)? We want to time the surveys to completion of the next phase of a project, rather than a set time.

Thanks, Marty

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