Answers not recorded | XM Community
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Hello all,

I completed a couple of time the survey I'm preparing in preview mode but I noticed a problem with some questions. When I go to Data&Analysis and I download the csv file with the responses some of them are not dispayed even if I am sure they where present in the survey (and I repyed to them). I looked at the survey flow but it seems there is no problem there. The flow goes as follow: 1. introduction 2. Randomizer of 3 blocks of questions (of two are groups) 3. block 4. end of the survey. Moreover, if I download the PDF with the responces these questions that are shown in the survey but are not saved are marked as "This question not displayed to respondents", that it is not true.

Any idea on why this happens?

The questions may be skipped while taking the test run. You can check the data for these questions by checking the logic against your questionnaire
> @bansalpeeyush29 said:

> The questions may be skipped while taking the test run. You can check the data for these questions by checking the logic against your questionnaire

Thanks for the reply. How do I check the logic?
If some question is skipped than it must have display logic over it. You can check it by checking frequencies. For example say Q1 is gender question and you have 50 males and 50 females. Q2 is for males only than in Q2 data will appear only for 50 records and 50 who are females will not see this question.
The questions in these blocks have no logic, they are just randomized. Indeed, when I do the survey they are shown and I can reply to them but then, when I retrive the data they are shown as "This question not displayed to respondents"
How many you are randimizining, like select randomizer 3 of 3. You must be showing less than 3 in randomizer.
I set the value to 3. Maybe groups are making troubles?
Can you share the screenshot of your survey flow or qsf file.
Hello @sbux ,

Just publish your survey and try taking your survey through annonymous link.
Hi @Shashi ,

I tryed to publish the survey and it worked, now I have all the answers in the CSV file. Thanks!

Do you know why some questions weren't saved when I took the survey in preview mode?

Thanks @bansalpeeyush29 !
> @sbux said:

> Hi @Shashi ,


> I tryed to publish the survey and it worked, now I have all the answers in the CSV file. Thanks!

> Do you know why some questions weren't saved when I took the survey in preview mode?


> Thanks @bansalpeeyush29 !

It may have not get saved.

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