Anyone else frustrated by record/delete in progress responses settings? | XM Community
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I feel the options are flawed for recording or deleting in progress survey responses, as the only timing choice for deleting in progress responses is after 1 week. Here's how this plays out (and how I've explained to stakeholders) . . . the reason we have this setting in place at all . . . to record unfinished responses . . . is that the only alternative setting would be to delete unfinished responses 1 week after they start but don’t finish the survey. This would mean if they decided to finish a week later when they receive a reminder from us, they would be locked out of the survey as it would already have been recorded in the system. I send reminders for a 2 week period for some of my surveys, and 4 weeks for others, so for those my only conceivable option is to record the unfinished responses and this often confuses people.

Anyone know if there is a reason it simply has to be this way? Anyone similarly frustrated or is it just me? Anyone found a good workaround? (I guess I could simply include in my email trigger templates a statement that indicates when a survey response was an unfinished recorded one.)
This is an unfortunate limitation, and as far as I can tell is an artificially set one. The best workaround I have found is to set record after 6 months, and then upon a project finishing, deleting all in progress manually.
> @AnthonyR said:

> This is an unfortunate limitation, and as far as I can tell is an artificially set one. The best workaround I have found is to set record after 6 months, and then upon a project finishing, deleting all in progress manually.

And unfortunately that process can be time consuming as well. 😑
Here is how we do it:

1. Initially set to record unfinished responses after 6 months

2. When fielding is complete, we change the setting to delete unfinished responses after 1 week (this will delete all the unfinished responses that are over a week old)
Thanks, @AnthonyR, @Libertywick, and @TomG . I should have specified (I forget I'm not the norm) that all of my surveys are always-on client experience surveys, so I have to handle the settings a little bit differently. But good food for thought.

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