Apply content validation to more than one question | XM Community
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I am a beginner and trying to create survey having 150 questions and they all should have numeric response between 0 to 100 from respondants. I am well aware that I can apply this content validation selecting one question at a time. However, I am not able to apply this content validation to all the questions in one go. Can anybody please help me with this?
@Aman it certainly depends on your individual case, but my approach would be to write the first question, set the content validation, copy the question (keeping the content validation intact), and then edit the copied question as needed. Then continue this for all 150 questions.
> @VirginiaM said:

> @Aman it certainly depends on your individual case, but my approach would be to write the first question, set the content validation, copy the question (keeping the content validation intact), and then edit the copied question as needed. Then continue this for all 150 questions.

Or if the only difference is the question text, put one question in a loop & merge block, paste the questions' text into a loop & merge field and loop 150 times.
@VirginiaM and @TomG thank you for your response. I appreciate your effort. I tried both the solutions and I like loop & merge solution. However, I was just wondering whether there is any way through which we can add data to the fields in loop & merge automatically from a file (.txt, .xlsx etc.) instead of entering field values manually?
> @Aman said:

> @VirginiaM and @TomG thank you for your response. I appreciate your effort. I tried both the solutions and I like loop & merge solution. However, I was just wondering whether there is any way through which we can add data to the fields in loop & merge automatically from a file (.txt, .xlsx etc.) instead of entering field values manually?

Yes, if you have all your fields in an .xlsx file with loops as the rows and fields as the columns you can just copy all of them and paste them into the first Loop & Merge field (Loop 1, Field 1).
@TomG Thank you for your response. It saved a lot of time for me. Thanks again!

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