Automatic emails to contact list built from trigger? | XM Community
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Hi all,

I have a survey capturing information for new panel members (I am trying to get matched dyad data with info provided by one of the dyad in order to contact the other) using contact list triggers. What I want to to is set up an automatic survey distribution to new members of my panel as their information is collected.

Looking for a solution so I don't have to do this manually or wait until my initial sample is fully collected before starting my secondly data collection.

Thanks for the help!

I think the only way you'll be able to automate this is to use the Qualtrics API to send invites to the new members.
Thanks TomG, you are right Qualtrics doesn't have a built in function for this sadly. Unfortunately I don't have the time to manage my steepish learning curve to get there as I only have basic coding knowledge 😞 So it looks like I will have to take the cumbersome manual way this time. I still love Qualtrics though... this is the only time I have ever not found a simple work around.

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