Avoid retake links letting respondents record multiple responses | XM Community
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I have a number of surveys that are meant to allow only one response per person, but we do let respondents retake their survey if needed to change their responses. The "retake response" option works for this purpose if the respondent only uses the retake link once, but if they use it multiple times, Qualtrics records multiple responses. This seems to happen because:

- The "retake response" link includes the original responseid and appends "&Q_R_DEL=1" to the URL, which causes Qualtrics to delete the original response with that responseid and record the retaken response with a new responseid

- If the respondent uses the link again, the URL still has the original responseid (not the most recent one), so it will not delete the most recent response when it records the new one.

Is there a workaround, or could the retake response feature be updated so there's one link/response per person?
Hi Rebecca,

Within the Survey Options screen, make sure to select the "Prevent Ballot Box Stuffing" option:


If the respondent attempts to take the survey again using the retake response link a 2nd time, they will receive a message that states they have already completed the survey.
Can the survey be By Invitation Only either by sending email invites or generating unique links? That way there would only be one link/response per person. You can even use an email trigger to email the respondent a new retake link each time they take the survey.
You can do this by using contact lists https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/contacts/contact-list-overview/
Thanks all!

The "prevent ballot box stuffing" option would work, but unfortunately we have it turned off because it interferes with other survey functionality (we do want people to be able to take the survey multiple times if they're invited multiple times throughout the year, but they should only be able to submit one response per invitation).

We do use individual links using email distribution within Qualtrics, which prevents people from submitting multiple regular responses, but people can still submit multiple retake link responses.

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