Branch survey terminating after two attempts | XM Community
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I have a five question quiz using branches, if all 5 answers are correct, they go to end, if any of the 5 answers are incorrect, it will go through the "retake quiz" again, go through the questions, submit and they automatically go to the "pass" block even though they did not answer all 5 questions correctly. The student is to continue taking the test until all five answers are correct.

I have been playing with this all afternoon using various formations and I can't figure out when I am doing wrong.

An image of my flow is attached, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Rosemarie Lang

Hi there! Thanks for showing your logic, that will be very helpful in giving you advice. I'm a little confused on what you're trying to do, though:

Are you wanting the student to:

1. Continuously answer all 5 questions in a block until they get all 5 right?

2. Loop through all 5 questions only one additional time if they get at least one wrong?

3. Only be presented with the ones they got incorrect and loop until they get all 5 right?

Thanks for the clarification!
Hi! The students must continuously answer all 5 questions in a block until they get all 5 right?

Thank you for your help, this is driving me crazy.
I'm using a "retake survey" link to return them to the block.
> @RoseL said:

> I'm using a "retake survey" link to return them to the block.

Is the retake survey link located in your fail block?
If the retake link is in your fail block, I would make sure you've set it to delete the original version. You can add an "End Survey" block in your fail section but other than that, you should be good.

If you're not seeing what you expect, can you let us know what is happening?
Good morning,

Thank you for your recommendations, I added the "end of survey" after my fail block and I added an "Action" but I don't know if it is correct since I did not select a task to connect to API, Email, or distribute survey. Do I need to select a task? I never worked with actions before.


I was able to get the form to work the way I wanted it to work using the appropriate retake link "${e://Field/ResponseID}&Q_R_DEL=1" which I added to my End of Survey using the custom URL.

Is there a way to avoid the slight lag of seeing the "end of survey" response and my reloaded survey?

Your help is greatly appreciated!

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