Built-in Embedded Data Fields( RecipientLastName; RecipientFirstName;)are showing as asterisks | XM Community
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Built-in Embedded Data Fields( RecipientLastName; RecipientFirstName;RecipientEmail)are showing as asterisks in the Data&Analysis Tab, from contact fields.

Please help. Thank you.
is it showing *** both in legacy and table format or only in tabular format.
Hope you have not selected the option "Anonymize Response" under "Survey Options"

If you have then it won't store any personal information about the customer.

@bansalpeeyush29 , I believe both in legacy and table format.
Can you check downloading both version of files.
@Mohammedali_Rajapakar_Ugam, I have not select "Anonymize Response".

Hi, if I "Use Legacy Exporter" , the downloaded file will not include any build-in embedded data fields (e.g.Recipient Email). If I download data table, it will shown as ********. Hope i answered your questions
If you don't use anonymous link, do you have permission to view restricted data?
Hi @yangjing99922! There are a few reasons why you may see ***** in your data, and one of which is the Anonymize Response feature. If you have not yet already, you will also want to reach out to your Brand Administrator to make sure your View Restricted Data permission is enabled.

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