Can i ask yes/no question at Q5 but instruct skip or branch logic to act after Q18 | XM Community
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I want to ask a yes/no question at Q5 but do not want the skip or branch logic to act until after question 18. Is this possible or does the skip need to implement immediately from Q5.

My thoughts are we need some embedded data at Q 18 (Next) to take respondent down the correct branch path. i.e. if yes at Q5 then ...

If No at Q5 then....
Skip logic only works immediately. Use a survey flow branch based on Q5 to branch after Q18. Q18 must be the last question in the block.
Thanks Tom, yes, Q 18 will be last question in block. So, if I understand correctly, the flow branch is attached to Q5 or Q18??
The branch is after the block containing Q18 in the survey flow. The branch condition is based on the answer to Q5.
Thank you Tom, I will explore this path and advise of the outcome.


Hi Tom, I believe I worked it out. Yay!

Thank for your support.


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