Can I change the number of questions/ page of my survey, I want a different number on each page. | XM Community
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I have tried to use the 'Look and feel' option, however it seems to only allow you specify the number of questions per page. This doesn't suit my survey. I would like to control where the page breaks are. With many thanks.
You can add different number of questions in page.

To seperate page add page break ( on the right when you add question)
I do this frequently by manually entering page breaks. The add page break option should be available in the right hand column as you edit your survey.!
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I have added page breaks in. For some reason when I preview my 39 question survey, the page breaks are not where I have specified, in fact there are some pages with just 1 question on them. I am not sure what I am doing wrong?


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